What is Orientation

In this article, we will look at what orientation steps are and how to make activities in it perfect. We will start with an explanation that orientation is not a synonym for onboarding but is part of this process. People sometimes mix these things up.

Orientation is an phase in the new employee onboarding process when company to introduces new hires to the company culture, policies, and procedures. It is important because it helps new employees feel welcome and get off to a good start. It is an opportunity for the new employees to ask questions and get to know their colleagues better. Orientation is typically held on the first day or first week of employment and may involve a variety of activities.

The contents of the article are what follows:

Details about onboarding you will find in article Meaning of onboarding.

Orientation vs Onboarding

We have been asked “What is difference between orientation and onboarding” quite a lot. The terms “onboarding” and “orientation” are often used interchangeably, but their definitions are actually quite different.

People often mix onboarding with orientation because they have similarities in terms of introducing new employees to the company.

Both onboarding and orientation involve introducing new employees to their job roles, the company culture, and the colleagues they will be working with. They also both provide new employees with the necessary tools and resources they need to be successful in their new role.

However, onboarding focuses more on the long-term, while orientation focuses more on the short-term. Or to put it slightly differently, onboarding focuses on the full loop, so that the new employee stays with the company as long and as effectively as possible. In contrast, orientation focuses on making the new employee fit into the company culture and team as well as possible.

Below is a brief explanation of both terms. This will bring more clarity.

What is onboarding

Onboarding is the process of integrating a new employee into an organization and its culture. It typically includes activities such as providing the employee with an introduction to the company, its policies and procedures, job expectations, and the team they will be working with.

What is orientation

Orientation is the first phase of the onboarding process, typically a one-day event that introduces the new employee to the company’s history, mission, values, and culture. It also includes an introduction to the team, a review of job duties, and an overview of the company’s policies and procedures.

First day in the office

Key steps of orientation

Here are the main steps a new employee should take during the first day welcoming.

  1. Introduction – New hires should be introduced to the team and company culture, including an overview of the company’s mission and values, as well as key personnel.
  2. Tour – New hires should be given a tour of the facility, including a view of their workspace and key areas of the office.
  3. Benefits – During orientation, new hires should receive information about their benefits package, including healthcare, vacation, and retirement plans.
  4. Policies – It’s essential for new hires to understand the company’s policies and procedures, such as dress code and attendance policies.
  5. Safety – New hires should be trained on safety procedures and protocols, such as emergency exits and evacuation plans.
  6. Technology – New hires should be given an overview of the company’s technology, including hardware and software.
  7. Onboarding – New hires should be given a timeline of their onboarding process, including training and expectations.

Make orientation perfect

Here are some tips to make your orientation a success. Because if the aim is to make the first day special for your new employee, it’s important to think about all the details.

Establishing a clear vision

Establishing a clear vision for the orientation process is the first and most important step. This includes setting goals and objectives, defining roles and responsibilities, and determining the timeline for the new hire first day.

It is also important to clearly communicate the vision to all involved parties in order to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Developing a plan

After the vision has been established, it is important to develop a plan that outlines the steps to be taken in order to successfully orient new employees. This plan should include a timeline, a list of required materials, and an outline of the activities and tasks that need to be completed.

Preparing for orientation

Once the plan has been created, it is important to begin preparing for the this process. This includes ordering materials, scheduling meetings, and preparing any necessary training materials.

It is also important to establish clear expectations for new employees, such as providing information on company policies and procedures.

Conducting orientation sessions

Once all the preparation is complete, it is time to conduct the orientation sessions. During these sessions, new employees should be introduced to the organization, be provided with all the necessary information, and receive an overview of their job responsibilities.

It is also important to ensure that new employees have the opportunity to ask questions and get to know their coworkers.

Evaluating the orientation process

After the orientation process has been completed, it is important to evaluate its effectiveness. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or other methods. Evaluating the process will help to identify areas of improvement and ensure that future orientations are successful.

Digitizing the process

It is a good idea to standardise and apply the orientation steps in the same way for all new employees. Some details differ for each employee, middle or senior manager, but the process is the same.

What is important is to make the steps as interesting as possible, because you want the new employee’s day to be enjoyable or even exciting. Many of these things can be digitized – a way to standardize and at the same time make them more modern and interactive. After all, who likes to read countless pages of documents? Especially to communicate company’s culture and values.

Orientation synonyms

The second phase of the Onboarding process may be referred to differently in different content sources. This is sometimes confusing and leads to confusion as to what orientation is.

Below are some examples of how else orientation is called:

  • Welcome Aboard
  • Onboarding Kickoff
  • Meet and Greet
  • Employee Assimilation
  • New Employee Welcome
  • New Hire Introduction


Here is the summary of typical questions about new employee orientation:

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Orientation is the first phase of the onboarding process that introduces the new employee to the company’s history, mission, values, and culture. Onboarding, on the other hand, is the process of integrating the new employee into the organization and its culture. Onboarding is more focused on the long-term integration, while orientation is more focused on the short-term integration.

The key steps in the orientation process include an introduction to the team, a tour of the facility, information about benefits, training on company policies and procedures, safety procedures, and technology, and an overview of the onboarding process.

Hope you found this article useful. For all our articles with informative and useful information about the onboarding process, please look at the Knowledge about onboarding or one of the best orientation practices in article Orientation in McDonald’s.

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