How to do driver onboarding

While onboarding stands for the same meaning everywhere, on every job it can look different. For example, the standard office onboarding will look very different from the driver onboarding process that has interested us today. 

Driving is a very responsible job that carries somewhat of a risk. There are many health hazards to take into consideration. Being able to drive a car is not enough, there are so many other requirements to fulfill.

In this article we have summarized the driver onboarding processes in various professions – from truck drivers to food delivery guys.

Truck drivers onboarding

driver onboarding trucks

A group of highly qualified, professionally trained, and enthusiastic drivers is the most crucial component of a transportation business. The truck drivers are in charge of providing safe and dependable transportation and are representing the company. 

The standards and recommended methods for hiring, retaining, and training drivers are discussed in this section of the article.

Driver recruitment

The ideal drivers are those that enjoy interacting with people and have a good attitude. That is the first thing to look for when hiring a truck driver. Although a lot of the time is truly spent by themselves alone in the truck, they can’t get the job done without communicating.

The most important part is meeting general federal requirements to be able to provide the driving service.


There are many requirements from the federally required training points to go through. 

The most important of them are the following:

  • Substance abuse awareness,
  • First aid and CPR.
  • Company overview,
  • Defensive driving,
  • Route training,
  • Assault awareness and prevention,
  • Accident and incident prevention,
  • Pedestrian awareness etc.

While road requirements and rules do not change very often, you have to be prepared to do refresher training once every few years or so. 

Checking in

Once drivers have been found, employed, and trained, a transit manager still has work to do to maintain employee motivation to deliver their best work and stay with the company.

Create an employee recognition/incentive program or improve the one the organization already has. Involve the workforce in the design/improvement process to ensure that the requirements can be met and the rewards are worthwhile.

Think about creating a mentoring program to offer new hires peer support as they advance within the company. As seen in our article What onboarding means, mentoring can truly be a great source of support in the workspace.

Consider awarding thank-you gift cards for “above and beyond the call of duty” performance when it occurs. Do so commemorating significant anniversaries (such as employment anniversaries and birthdays), and occasionally surprising employees with pizza to show appreciation. Even if the organization has a small budget for a formal employee incentive program.

Public transport drivers onboarding

driver onboarding bus public transport

Passenger service providers are responsible for making sure drivers adhere to safety regulations and perform their safety obligations. Besides that, communication with their passengers is of the utmost importance.

So here is the driver onboarding procedure for bus and other public transport drivers.

Background checks

Passenger service providers are required to take reasonable measures to learn about their driver’s background. As much as it is practically possible, they should decide that all of their drivers are competent in the following requirements.

This could entail inquiring for and validating professional references, reviewing the driver’s qualifications for your company, and checking their past performance with other suppliers. A thorough background check is nothing uncommon when it comes to public service in any way. 


Public transport drivers should go through a at least 4 step training program that includes safety training, operational training, on the job training and appropriate training for those with special needs.

In the safety training you might have to learn on subjects such as SMS policies, risk management, internal communication channels as well as external communication with passengers if needed.

In operational training you have to understand the policy and procedures, passenger management. This is going to most likely be spending time observing an experienced driver.

The practical portion of training is referred to as on-the-job training. Working with an experienced driver is typically involved, and vehicle familiarization sessions and an awareness of client and passenger comfort and care may also be included.

And lastly, all drivers must receive as much training as is practically possible. Drivers of wheelchair accessible vehicles must possess a certain set of skills and expertise.


Making sure that the procedures stated in the earlier sections are followed and results are documented is the goal of record keeping. A formalized procedure (like a checklist) to ensure that a potential driver has gone through all necessary onboarding procedures before they start rendering services is a must.

Food delivery car driver onboarding

food delivery in a car

Food delivery is a specific field of profession in which drivers are also needed. Nowadays it is much more popular to choose the delivery with the help of bikes or electric scooters. However driving a delivery car is still a thing. What about the onboarding process?

Find out the availability in your area

First thing’s first, you have to check the organization you want to work for. Find out whether the service you want to provide is available in your area. Chances are, if you live in a city, they will be constantly looking for new delivery personnel. 

In most cities food delivery is a common everyday luxury now, however the smaller towns might not have this option.

Meet the requirements

The minimal standards may differ depending on the city, although they are generally the same. You have to be of age, pass some background checks and have at least 2 year driving experience. You will have to provide your documentation, a valid driver’s license. 

Then you will have to fill out a form on the company’s web page and complete the application process. Then the real onboarding can start.

Onboarding process

The onboarding process will consist of getting to know the company and its value you’re about to work for. You will learn more on scheduling time block, delivering food. Your mentors or current drivers will give you some tips and tricks to start off the job successfully.

After that soon you will begin to make deliveries. Download the app and accept your first delivery.

This was a sweet and short summarization of how to do driver onboarding. At most, it is somewhat similar yet every company might switch some things up.

If you think onboarding is the final step, then check out our article Does onboarding mean I got the job.

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